Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Lincoln Pictures


Our task in this assignment is select one or two theme's where we will then thake photograph's that will then have to be enhance using some editting software, so the photograph's can then be uploaded to the Bigstockphoto.com website.

We have chosen to take 2 pictures from each catagory, which we will then enhance/change using Adobe Photoshop, before uploading them to Bigstockphoto.com where they will hopefully sell.

In our group, the two themes that we have selected from Bigstockphoto.com are:

  • Food
  • Everyday Objects

We have selected Everyday Objects as one of our selected theme, as it allows us to have a wide spectrum of possible photograph's to capture. We also chose this because when looking in the Everyday Object catagory on Bigstockphoto.com, we found that alot of people had purchased these photograph's.

We selected Food as our other selected theme, As we thought it would be very practical as many people had purchased pictures in this catagory.

Bigstockphoto.com Uploaded Photograph's

Photo 1

I captured this image as a pen and paper is usually used at least once a day by most people. I also thought that the image may sell well as it writing could be added to the image to give an effect that the text has been written on the paper by the pen.

Origrinal Photograph on left, Enhance Photograph on right.

I editted the picture in Adobe Photoshop by rotating the image to portrait, I then used the polygonal lasso tool to cut around the image of the pen and deleted the background. I also then used the adjustment menu within photoshop, where I selected contrast and brightness menu, off which I raised both by 10+.

Key Words:

art, artist, blue, close-up, color, colour, communicate, communication, document, draw, drawing, everyday, handwriting, home, line, office, over, paper, pen, pencil, sharp, supplies, tool, white, write, writing

Selected Catagories:

  • Objects > Everyday
  • Business > Office
  • Business > Financial

JPEG Format 1944 x 2592 @ 300dpi

(6" x 8") 5.0 Megapixels

File size: 460KB

This image was approved my bigstockphoto.com

Link: http://www.bigstockphoto.com/photo/view/980054

Photo 2

I chose to take this photograph as part of my food catagory, I took this image as thought that I could show some what I have learned in using photoshop, by repairing parts of the bottle and removing trademarks on the label.

Origrinal Photograph on left, Enhance Photograph on right.

I editted the picture in Adobe Photoshop by rotating the image to portrait, I then used the magnetic lasso tool to remove some of the large part around the bottle. I then used the polygonal lasso tool to cut around the part which I missed on image of the bottle and deleted the background to isolate the image. I used both the healing brush tool and the clone stamp tool to remove the branding parts of the label. I also raised the contrast by 10+ and brigthness of the picture by 5+.

Key Words:
food, drink, drinking, alcohol, alcholism, ale, bar, beer, booze, bottle, beverage, brew, bubble, celebrate, over-white, over, white, abuse, addiction, cold, drunk, head, glass, party, pint, pub, refreshment, refreshing, sparkle, thirst, wet, barley, yeast, icy, froth, liquid, lager, bitter, mild
Selected Catagories:
  • Food > Beverages
  • Food > Miscellaneous
  • Health > Abuse
JPEG Format 1944 x 2592 @ 300dpi
(6" x 8") 5.0 Megapixels
File size: 1,043 KB
Photo 3

I chose to take this photograph as part of my everyday objects, as I think everyone must use these utensial at least once a day. Although it could have been used for my food theme as well.

Origrinal Photograph on left, Enhance Photograph on right.
I editted the picture in Adobe Photoshop by rotating the image to portrait, I then used the polgonal lasso tool, inconjunction with the magnetic lasso tool to cut round objects and remove the background. I used the both the colne stamp tool and the healing brush tool to remove some of the lighter more shiny parts. To boost the image a used the adjustments to raise the brightness by 30+ and the contrast by 10+.
Key Words:
knife, knives, spoon, folk, everyday, cook, cooking, crockery, utensils, silver, shiny, eat, eating, isolated, white, over-white, restaurant, lunch, breakfast, dinner, sliverware, cutlery, equipment, sharp, meal, metal, metallic, kitchen

Selected Catagories:
  • Objects > Everyday
  • Food > Miscellaneous
  • Food > Restaurant

JPEG Format 1944 x 2592 @ 300dpi

(6" x 8") 5.0 Megapixels

File size: 715 KB

Photo 4

I chose to take this photograph as part there is alot of colour with the different types of grapes and there is alot of detail. Also when looking on bigstockphoto.com I couldn't find a great deal of image with just grapes.

Origrinal Photograph on left, Enhance Photograph on right.

I editted the picture in Adobe Photoshop by rotating the image to portrait, to boost the image a used the adjustments to raise the brightness by 10+ and the contrast by 10+, I also raised the saturation in the picture by 30+ to raise the colour, mainly in the red as the image is quite dull. I also used the sharpening tool to redifine some of the rough edges. To cut round and remove the background I used the magnetic lasso tool and then used the polygonal lasso tool to get to the part I'd missed.

Key Words:

grape, food, black, red, green, color, colour , bunch, isolated, white, over-white, restaurant, vine, wine, fruit, healthy, nutrition, nutritious, diet, health, juice, cooking, ingredient, natural, juicy, round, fitness, fresh, delicious, dessert

Selected Catagories:

  • Food > Miscellaneous
  • Health > Miscellaneous
  • Food > Restaurants

JPEG Format 1944 x 2592 @ 300dpi

(6" x 8") 5.0 Megapixels

File size: 1,822 KB

Data Types

Lossy Compression
lossy data compression retrieves decompressed data that will not be identical to the original file, but will be very close to the original. When using lossy compression repeated compressing and decompressing the file will cause the file to lose quality. Lossy data compression is used frequently on the Internet and especially in streaming media applications.
Examples of lossy image formats:
  • JPEG
  • GIF
Loseless Compression
Lossless data compression allows the original data to be reconstructed from the compressed data. Lossless data compression is used in many applications, the popular which is ZIP file format.
Lossless compression is used when both the original and decompressed files are exactly the same. Some image formats that use only loseless fomatting are PNG and TIFF.
Examples of loseless image formats:
  • PNG
  • TIFF
JPEG file format is the most the standard method of compression for photographs. JPEG is the format most used for storing and transmitting photographs on the internet. JPEG's aren't well suited to line drawings and other textual graphics.
A GIF image incomprorated lossless data compression so that the file size of an image may be reduced without degrading the visual quality but the image will only be viewed with only 256 colours. as GIF fomat has a limit of 256 distinct colors this makes it inappropriate for colour photographs.
PNG was created to replace and improve upon the GIF format. PNG file format was designed for distribution of images over the internet and not for professional graphics, due to the lack of colours it uses, much like a GIF format.
Tiff file formats are are mainly used for very strong images such as photogarph's and line art. The Tiff format is widely supported by image sotware such as Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro. Unlike JPEG files, you can edit and resave TIFF files without suffering a compression loss.

Throughout all the picture I decided to isolate all the images. From looking throughout bigstockphoto.com, I noticed most images were isolated, so I though this was the best look for the pictures i had selected and i also thought that It would allow them to sell better.

Link to my profile on bigstockphoto.com:



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